August 13, 2009

Introducing Diva!

Just want to introduce you someone really special for me. Since she arrived to home, she has revolutionized my life and my lonely moments are past but she is so cute! Some people have asked me for showing her for a long time ago so, here she goes: She is Diva!

She was a really special birthday present. She was called that way because of an accident that happened exactly the day we met each other. A bag with brilliantine fell down on her. It was an accident, I promise, but I have to recognize that the fact she has glitters makes her be fabulous!

The first picture was taken on march, 24th, some minutes before the bright rain. Diva was only 2 months and I was bringing her everywhere in her little basket. She is so curious and she loves mirrors!

The second photo was taken some days ago. As you can see, she has grown up a lot. She is very naughty but I am in love with her. For me she is the most beautiful dog in the world!

Well, it’s done. Now you know her, what do you think about her?

Hope you are having a nice summer. I will be back soon again but now I have to go back to the studio for working more and more for you, it's being an intensive summer but I love it!
Take care, get tanned and make boys dote on you! you rock!
Love, Monica.


MonicaSanzOFC said...

Es preciosaaa!!!! Me encanta!!! Se la ve juguetona no? jajajaja Diva!! Pues claro que se tenia que llamar Diva, porque es la perrita de la Diosa y debia ser Divina!! Muchas gracias por enseñarnosla Monica!! Dale besitos de parte de todas nosotras!!

Animo en el Estudio!! Lo espero con muchisimas ganas!!

Deina said...

Que bonita!
Yo siempre quise un perrito pero nunca lo he tenido.

Disfruta lo que queda de verano!
Un beso.

Maite said...

Monicaaa! Me encanta la perrita, es preciooosa. Si se hubiera quedado tan pequeña como en la primera foto, pudiera llevarla en esa cesta para siempre y no me dieran pánico los perros ¡te la quitaba! jaja. Me encanta verlos pero ya tener uno, no sé, no sé...

Espero que te esté yendo genial y que pronto podamos escucharte cantar. ¡Estamos impacientes!

Mucha suerte en todo. Un beso graaaaaaaande :)

Díura said...

Monica!!!! Diva es una monada!!! me encantaría tener una perrita como ella, pero en mi casa no me dejan tener mascotas jop! haber si algun día nos vemos y me la presentas en persona jajajaja te deseo mucha suerte! muchísimos besos y ojalá te escuchemos cantar muy pronto