August 29, 2009

My favorite pictures!

There is no day I don’t think about him but maybe today is one of those days when everybody makes you remember that he’s not going to be back...However I am a super positive girl and his memory makes me smile (ok, not always but the most of the time).

I want to show you my favorite photo! It was taken this summer in Madrid ( Spain, I went back home just for some hours).

It is not my best photo, I am not beautiful in it (now some bitch will say “like in the rest of your pictures”… I care a zero) but it is very, very special for me. In it you can see a pair of Michael Jackson’s shoes (yes! worn by him!). That made my day. As you can see, I am absolutely fascinated by him and I will forever!

I am thankful to one of my best friends because of this special moment, it was a big surprise! Oops! Talking about surprises, maybe I will have a little one for a spanish girl ( I think she is) soon…I need some days to get something…guess?

Take another picture! Look at my face! Do you see my intentions? I would grab the shoes and run away with my treasure! Nah… just kidding! I left them in the Hard Rock Cafe, if you want to go, I hope you can see them too!

Well, I have to go fast or I will be killed but, I will be back soon! Take care and be naughty! God doesn’t rest in peace, he dances on heaven! Wherever you are, Happy Birthday, Michael!



Lari said...

En ese mismo lugar estuvimos nosotras no hace ni una semana. Fue un sitio especial y ahora comprendo por que. Eres un cielo Monica!!

Te queremos


Díura said...

Hola Monica acabo de leer tu entrada en el blog y me he quedado de piedra porque hace unos días fui a Madrid con mi mejor amiga Lari ^^y fuimos allí al Hard Rock y vimos los zapatos de MJ es increible!!!! que pena que no hayamos coincidido en fin otra vez será no??

muchos besitos!!!!! y no estes triste MJ estaría muy orgulloso de ti por se como eres guapa!!!!!!


Deina said...

Fue el primer sitio al que fuí en cuanto me levanté el 26 de junio, también necesitaba estar allí y sentirle más cerca.
Las fotos son geniales Monica.

I wanna thank you for showin' me the woman in the mirror.

Smile =)

Laura (lolinha) said...

I think you don't see yourself in the pictures the way we do!! haha!! You're great, it's so nice to know a little bit more about your life beyond music and work.

We're looking forward to hear something from you soon!!

Take care of you and everybody you love!!