December 23, 2009

Merry Xmas and a very happy 2010!

Merry Christmas everybody!

Dear agents, managers, producers and the rest of my lovely staff:

I’m so sorry but I wanted to talk to my girls and this is the way I used to do it. Twitter is not enough this time and it can not wait! You know that I love you. Merry Christmas! Xoxo.

I just wanted to thank warriors for all their support and love in 2009.

Honestly it has not been a good year for me. Not in all senses but I expected a lot for this year and illnesses, delays and some troubles I could not control, make me believe in 2010, it sounds cooler, isn’t it?

I’m specially thankful for your love the day that Michael Jackson passed away. One of my hardest moment. He was extremely important for me, and I really mean extremely important, and he will be forever. Lots of love to his fans in the next days and keep him up in your mind and heart always please. God bless him!

Anyways, I would be unfair if I’d say I have not been happy this year! Lots of good moments have passed in 2009, less intense than 2008 but full of emotions I’ve never felt before. Lots of "first times" for me! It’s been my first time in the recording studio and that’s something that makes me feel complete, absolutely happy. Attention! I’ve won 12 kiles (yes, I did it!) so I can keep it dancing. And some of the most wonderful experiences I’ve ever had, were happened this year.

I’d never thought my dreams would come true this way, it’s amazing doing it with you by my side. You really make me think I’m the luckiest girl in the world!

I hope we can share a lot of moments in 2010 and everything goes well to all of you (and everyone you love) too. Please, take care, love, live and fight!

That’s the way 2010 will be an irresistible year ;)

Thank you so much, God bless you. I love you!



Maite said...

Pensaba que no volveríamos a verte escribir por aquí...y ¿sabes? reconozco que me alegro de que te hayas "saltado la norma" por la cual no podías hacerlo... hahaha.
Aunque bueno, en cierto modo, siempre quedará twitter (aunque se quede corto).

Gracias por habernos dedicado estas palabras. No sabes la ilusión que nos hace leerte. Creo que esta ha sido una de las razones por las que el 2009 ha sido especial para muchas de nosotras, te lo aseguro!
No dudes que el 2010 te deparará mucha cosa buena en todos los sentidos ;)
Estamos deseando poder escucharte y verte bailar como tú sabes.
¡¡Mucha suerte!!

¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo! Pásadlo genial y cuidaos.

Un beso,


Anonymous said...

Monica!!!!!!!!! feliz navidad para ti también deseo que te lo pases genial con toda tu familia. Para nosotras tus fans es un honor compartir tus momentos de felicidad te lo digo de corazón, y el próximo año seguro que será el mejor de todos

te quiero un montón!!!!!


PD: por cierto felicidades por esos doce kilos si necesitas alguno más yo te lo doy sin problema eh jajajajajajaj

Laura (Lolinha) said...

You deserve everything your warriors do for you... Every interview, every little thing we get to know extraofficially makes us think that you deserve all the good things than happen to you.
Thanks to you for being an example or hard work, believing and never stop dreaming and working to make dreams come true. You're such an inspiring person to us...

Be happy, and we'll be too.

Thanks for everything, and Happy Holidays at home!!

MonicaSanzOFC said...

Que decirte a ti, que eres la razon de que nosotras estemos aqui! Gracias por absolutamente todo lo que nos das. Eres genial y mágica, como la navidad. uando pensabamos que ya no podriamos hablar contigo, vas y nos sorprendes con esto!!

El 2009 fue bueno, pero el 2010 sera genial! estaremos contigo en todo momento. Gracias por todo el cariño que nos das!

Un beso y un abrazo enormes! Felices fiestas y espero que el 2010 sea un gran año para ti!

Te quiero!
